Live Blog: Board of Education, Feb. 21, 2023


We will be live tweeting portions of tonight's meeting shortly

Due to the large amount of public comment, they are skipping ahead to Item L1, the initial UESF proposal

Comment from Payroll employee:Here to support the Payroll Department and management

Comment from Sheridan teacher: Prioritize paraeducators' salaries, need to be paid enough to survive in SF, should be offered FT positions; need FT nurses and social workers; fund the resources our students need

PSL member, inspired by Oakland USD community: teachers and students are the future, support them

SFUSD alumni and teacher: the pay in SFUSD is bad; we're a rich city; in Jewish culture, education is sacred, asking the Board to treat it that way

SFUSD teacher: Focus on working conditions, our building has roof crumbling, mold in classroom, rooms being divided and shuffled; teacher working conditions are student learning conditions

Sherman ES SpEd teacher: Highlight the need for raises esp for paraeducators and to fully staff schools; colleagues are leaving bc they can't live in SF; need better training

Lea: Asking district to fund the QTPAC that was passed last year

Cobb ES teacher: Fixing payroll issues causes stress; have you looked at the help desk system? One teacher at Cobb got 0 dollars this month. Dr Wayne, don't be the white superintendent who says everything will be ok while Black colleagues get zero pay

Balboa teacher: We are asking you to bargain in good faith, find the money to give us a serious raise

HS teacher: We are fighting for more prep time, paid sick leave, paid PD time

Sub teacher: Really want to see more support for front line teachers, esp paraeducators. 5th district I've worked in, it's always the paraeducators who help the most

21st year teacher: We are in a catastrophic staffing situation. Tired of seeing colleagues leave for nearby district. Want to see a minimum SFUSD pay of 100k

Cassondra Curiel, press of UESF: Our 1500 paraeducators, who work closest with our students, need serious raises. We must attract and retain credentialed educators. We are coming with serious, thoughtful proposals

Wash teacher: Positive change looks like educators who are paid, fully staff classroom, IEPs that are in compliance, a nurse at every site, educators have time to collaborate, sites with no mice and where kids aren't too cold

Now on to virtual comment

BVHM parent: Our kids were exposed to lead, that is the kind of conditions our teachers are working under. Deepest respect for paraeducators. They do so much 1-on-1 work with kids, we need to fill these spots

Custodian: We serve our students but we don't make enough to survive in SF. Losing staff affects students

Virginia Marshall: I hope this will be the year that you receive the salary that allows you to stay in SF. 100k should be the base point. Paras do a Herculean job. It is disheartening to hear a teacher has not been paid by the 21st

Parent: Pay a living wage according to SF standards, but teachers really need time for PD, collaboration, even if that means reconfiguring the calendar and budget

Caller: It's important to acknowledge and pay workers accordingly. Each teacher, para, custodian, nurse has an impact on students. You don't know how important they might be to a student in crisis

Parent: Can SFUSD provide statistics on payroll issue, would like to see some transparency

Parent and paraeducator: With inflation, we qualify for food stamps. I made this same comment 5 months ago and nothing has changed

SFUSD alumni and advocate: Teachers deserve higher wages. Teachers contribute to students success but don't have the pay to show for it

Caller: My mother worked for SFUSD for 30 years. She made home visits, I watched her struggle to survive. Every child should have a Black teacher, should know the experience of diversity. But teachers shouldn't know poverty. Do right by educators

We will be back for general public comment!

After a vote to extend the meeting, they're opening up general public comment

Custodian: Been waiting since 5:30 to speak. There's a shortage of custodians. I'm begging you to give us our 16%. You're paying contractors millions

Student: I miss playing in the garden at my school. They're not fixing the garden. They need to keep their promise to fix the garden [at BVHM]

Human Rights advocate and parent: In Feb 2022, the Queer Trans Advisory Committee was established and we are asking if that body will be funded and if it will meet

SEIU member: Staffing crisis cannot be fixed unless you fix the pay disparity. Remember you got your career starts from educators. Give them respect

SEIU field director: Report from Dr Wayne smacks of cognitive dissonance. We want EmPower scrapped. Put everything into the City's system. We want a 3rd party to review who was responsible

Parent: SFUSD is biased and ineffective in dealing with student behavior. Rewards and consequences are not consistent. Urge you to adopt RP

.@LeaMcGravy: Urge you to put Eid back on the calendar and implement the QTPAC

.@ourfamily director (co-authors of QTPAC): We are stronger when we recognize and uplift our diversity. We are asking you to staff and implement the QTPAC

Intern at Our Family Coalition: LGBTQ youth and their families lack representation and it's negligent of the district to deny them the QTPAC. Being in SF doesn't shield us from attacks

Jewish Voice for Peace member: Speaking on the Eid issue. Families have the right to have their cultures included. BOE is protecting yourselves, not children.

.@solomemehood: It's been over a year since the QTPAC was passed. We want a seat at this table. You haven't created the staff person. You haven't changed forms or restrooms. Speak to your friends and siblings who are queer. Do not forget us

MS teacher: We shouldn't have to come to you asking for basic support and basic decency

Speaker: Eid is culturally significant to diverse communities. It fosters respect across communities.

AROC speaker: We provided services in SFUSD for over a decade, starting with advocating for language services. We were attacked by racists then too. We are attacked every time we try to advocate for Arab and Muslim students

AROC speaker: The Board chose to buckle to racist pressure. What are you hearing that makes you so committed to racists? The message to our youth is clear: you can't trust the school board. We demand you add Eid

Galileo student: This is my 5th time in 6 months. Each of you have a water bottle. Now imagine going a whole day, then a whole month, without water. All of you drift off every time a Muslim comes before you. Add Eid to the 23-23 school year

Teacher: You went back on your promise. I called friends in Yemen when you voted. I will keep coming, my students will keep coming

SFUSD alumni: Move forward with Eid resolution. We will come back in March and April and will be fasting during those meetings

AROC youth organizer: Your discussion at the last meeting was humiliating to us. You "all lives mattered" our fight. You can't be caving in every time racists want to sue. These are working class students in the schools

Rev. Brown: I cannot be quiet when others are victims of hate. We cannot be exclusive as a district. I plea with this Board to be consistent, do the right thing, and stop putting people down because of their race, religion, sexual orientation or gender

Caller: Appalled that the Eid resolution is still on hold. Represent and protect Arab and Muslim families and staff

Caller: Including Eid will protect our community from Islamophobia. Let's take into account that we have a multicultural city

Caller: I find it disrespectful and Islamophobic that you took Eid away after you gave it to us when you say you're inclusive

Caller: Queer student who's been bullied and deadnamed. Our city is no longer a safe place for trans kids

That's all from us tonight. Remember to thank your school secretary and come hang out with us next Wednesday!

San Francisco Education Alliance Launch Party! 


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