Our Mission

We’re progressive San Francisco education activists coming together to strategize and organize, in the face of a conservative and privatizing movement whose attacks on public education seek to divide us and destroy the vision of a truly democratic multi-racial society. We demand fully funded SF public schools, pre-K through community college/higher education, that are safe and supportive for students of all ethnicities, genders, sexualities, and abilities, especially marginalized populations (BIPOC, English language learners, LGBTQIA+, students in foster care, unhoused students, immigrants/refugees, and students with disabilities). An educated voting public can better demand community-based, equitable, culturally sustainable and anti-racist educational policies.

4-Point Plan to Win

  • Our public education system is under constant threat from corporate interests that see it as an untapped profit-making opportunity. Starving schools of funding and then loudly complaining about their performance is one of privatizers’ main strategies. To fight school privatization and expansion of charter schools, we must fully fund schools and community colleges by closing the Prop 13 corporate loophole and by advocating for wealth taxes. We will openly fight for increasing all public resources to fund and advance our schools.

  • A more educated, invested community empowers students, teachers, families, and working people to increase their civic engagement. A well-informed public is harder for education privatizers (and their sympathizers in local government and media) to exploit and control. We will educate the public about school funding, budgets and administrative processes, voting, and other ways of advocating for better education policy.

  • Schools are key to addressing the dangerous levels of inequity in our society. Solutions must come from the most affected communities, not be imposed upon them by more privileged groups. We advocate for building a culture of systemic, system-wide inclusion through policies that uplift the lives, futures, and educational opportunities of all students. We strive to make SF's public schools, pre-K through community colleges, safe and supportive for marginalized populations (Black, Indigenous and People of Color students, Pacific Islander students, Asian students, Latinx students, English language learners, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual and other gender and sexual identity students, students in foster care, unhoused students, students with disabilities, as well as students targeted by gender-based violence). We demand community-based solutions, equitable, anti-racist policies and cultural sustainability.

  • We're a “big tent” organization open to everyone, but we are not “moderate centrists.” We are progressives: proudly left-leaning, anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-carceral, pro-union. We want to move forward and make life materially better for all, especially the most vulnerable among us, not maintain the status quo or return to the past as conservatives would have us do. We rally progressive SF education activists to strategize and organize, in the face of a conservative movement whose attacks on public education seek to divide us and undermine the vision of a truly democratic multi-racial, multi-cultural society.